Losing a loved one in a car accident is one of life’s most devastating tragedies. The shock, grief, and trauma...
In the aftermath of a car accident, seeking medical care and contacting a highly qualified personal injury attorney are crucial....
No parent ever wants to get that dreaded call that their underage teen driver has been involved in a car...
If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Indiana, one of the first questions you might ask is –...
Being in a car accident can be a scary and confusing situation. You’re first, and foremost, focused on making sure...
According to the NSC (National Safety Council), 4,800,000 people were injured in car accidents in 2020 seriously enough to need...
Having a valid driver’s license and car insurance are requirements for all drivers in the state of Indiana. However, in...
If you’ve been in a motor vehicle crash caused by another driver’s road rage or reckless driving, you may wonder...
Car accidents are a leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can result in life-altering consequences. If you or...
An auto accident that results in injury is stressful and confusing under the best of circumstances, but what happens when...