Losing a loved one in a car accident is one of life’s most devastating tragedies. The shock, grief, and trauma...
Losing a loved one is a devastating experience. When someone else’s negligence causes the death, it can be even more...
Previously, our blog discussed the tragic patient deaths and unthinkable events that transpired at the Praxis Landmark Recovery, a male-only...
In a previous blog post, we shared information about a South Bend addiction facility making national news for patient deaths...
Recently, an addiction facility in Mishawaka, near South Bend, Indiana, called Praxis Landmark Recovery, reached national headlines after three patients...
Losing a family member or spouse is one of the most traumatic experiences a person can face. And when that...
When you lose a loved one in an accident due to someone else’s negligent actions, you may be entitled to...
America’s deadliest train is called Brightline, a type of high-speed train that travels up to 79 mph in residential areas....
One of the most frightening events a person may experience is drowning. Many people have had the terrifying sensation of...